Acrylic Painting

You don't need to be perfect to be happy,

Hello everyone,

In this post, I would like to share what I will do with my Acrylic paints and brushes. I bought Acrylic paint and brushes from Walmart that are budget-friendly. As I am a full-time mom and a homemaker staying in the USA for two years, I don't know how to utilize my time in the perfect way to make myself happy. Colors are my best friend, drawing is my only happiness after my son and hubby who comes first in my life. 

Here are my paintings it may not be perfect but for me, it's a little effort all time. While surfing the net I will come across so many beautiful paintings, seeing that I would start questioning myself about trying them. So I started trying. First I felt like it's not good, it's not worth it. But now I understand that you make mistakes so that you can learn from them and you can bring perfection in next time.

My painting at the initial stage

While starting I don't know much about how to use but after starting I learned to use the right brush for the right image. Even if it did not come perfectly, don't give up, keep trying, which became my mantra these days. If you are a perfect artist and looking at this post, you can give some tips or techniques that everyone can learn thank you in advance for that. If you are a person like me, trying new things and learning, sure you want to see this post. 

Basic tips for Acrylic Painting,

From my personal experience, I tried watercolor. At first, try to do water coloring this gives you confidence. Try doing this in a chart or cardboard whichever you feel comfortable with.

Now to do acrylic painting always keep good quality brushes and palette. You don't need to spend more in the initial stage, buy the paint and brush that is less costly. 

So that you don't have to waste it once you got familiar with the brushes and techniques its will be easy for you in the future. 

Always stick the masking tape to keep the paper or canvas from slipping. Also masking tape will help you in making sharp edges. 

Use correction pen or white gel for dots or for painting stars or white tiny objects. If you don't have that correction pen, use a small liner brush to make it.

Here I tried acrylic painting in different forms. Use these ideas to learn and try.

Building and night sky painting,

Here I am using the chart. First, mask the chart like this and keep the colors near that you want to use.
For this painting, I choose black, purple, deep blue, tropical blue, red, orange, and yellow colors for the background and white for the stars and moon.

Masking the chart and choosing colors

After fixing the chart now place the colors on the chart to paint. I placed the dark colors at the top from black following purple, blue, red, orange, yellow, and white to the bottom.

Apply colors 

After that blend colors from yellow to black to make sure all the colors are blended well. Once it is done wait for drying.
start painting

After drying, do the Pencil outline for buildings. Use masking tape cut and stick outside the building to avoid smudging or just use the right brush to paint.

Pencil outline and
placed the color to paint

It's done. To get the sharp edges either use masking tape or a micron pen. 

Now for the moon and stars, I used a liner brush to make them. It's cool to see the stars and moon.

Painting sunset and a sailing boat,

It's a cool painting it quite easy too. Do you want to try it?  Okay, choose where you want to see the sun and mask them. Also, mask the space below that sun for sea view and place the colors either directly on the chart or on a palette. Here I used white, yellow, brilliant red, and black. Do the painting in a round shape like this in the image below.

After doing the painting around the sun start with red, yellow, and don't blend it just line them here and there and finish it with blue at the end. For drawing paint black color at one corner. And just put one line and between the sky and the sea. 

After the above step, Now start with trees. I used an angular shader brush to make them. For the trees on the right side of the chart, I used lines and earbuds to make them. After that outline, the silhouette of a sailing boat and paint it using a round brush or liner brush to paint. Here also micron did the magic of making sharp edges. Finally, it came like this in the image below.

Sunset and sailing boat silhouette art

Girl with Umbrella in the moonlight,

It's a fantasy to spend a night under the moonlight sometimes with the company and sometimes alone. Why can't I convert that into a beautiful painting? These were the thoughts in my mind when I did this painting I Am sure you will like the painting. You need four colors: dark blue, tropical blue, white and black. Start from the white, tropical blue, and dark blue blend the colors one by one after masking the moon at the center. Once you are done paint the moon and just make a few lines and shades around the moon. 
After that use a toothbrush to spray the white color to make stars and use a liner brush to make stars here and there. 

For clouds use a round brush and just swirl it gently to get a cloud effect and make an outline for the silhouette of a girl with an umbrella on sloping ground with grass and butterflies.

Drawing a silhouette is easy but with little tricks of using the right brush so try it it's very simple. The magic of the colors is here in the image below.

Silhouette painting of a girl with umbrella in the moonlight

Spring flower painting,

Spring flower painting

For this painting, the first thing I made was a background with white, deep blue, purple, and black colors. Now mask the moon and also four sides with masking tape. Apply colors and shade to the silhouette of trees and rivers. After that, I did the shore and trees with branches. For trees use brown and black colors. For flowers, use pink color it's easy to use earbuds. Next for the river use blue, white, and black colors like here and there to make the lighting effect in the water. It's easy as it's looking or try like this simple acrylic painting on a plate( same spring flower painting).

My small paintings,

Whenever I want to paint I will just do whatever comes into my imagination. Now I have confidence using the brush and correcting mistakes. So it's fun to try and learn. Here I will give an overview of my paintings.

Night light painting

For the Night light painting, I used purple and pink background and masked the building, and used dark brown mixed black color to paint. Trees are painted in a dark green color with an angular brush to make a perfect tree. For lights and moon yellow and white mixed color using a liner brush.

Tulips painting

For tulips Painting, make a black background and dry it. Once it dries, I used a round brush to make the tulips with red and yellow color. And for plants use an angular brush to get perfect plants.

Waterfall painting.
For this cute and small waterfall painting, make a blue background at the top, do masking for the fall, and use brown color on both sides of the fall. Then use earbuds to make the trees and use a liner brush to make the stems of the tree. After that use white color to do shading for the fall without smudging at the bottom and the left side of the fall used black color for rock effects for this use a round brush. For Birds, you can use a liner brush or a micron pen. Like I said it's very easy you can help your kid to try like this with little help.

For all these paintings, I made an effort to learn about them. I didn't take any class or course on how to use brushes and their techniques. I can do this much sure you too can do like this with little practice.

After doing every single painting I feel very happy that I did something better.

So I learned "You don't need to be perfect to be happy" is my motto to upgrade myself.

I hope this post will give you confidence in anything that you are trying for a long time. So keep trying and keep shining.

Thank you, paint a smile on your face and share your feedback.


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